English MSc program “Host-Microbe Interactions”

English MSc program “Host-Microbe Interactions”
English MSc program “Host-Microbe Interactions”

The Departments of Ichthyology & Aquatic Environment, Crop Production & Agricutlural Environment and Biochemistry & Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly are pleased to announce the establishment of our International Master’s Program in Host-microbe interactions.


This English-speaking program is designed for postgraduates who want to study and conduct excellent research at the master’s level, in a truly international and multidisciplinary environment.


Download our complimentary eBook to better understand our one-of-a-kind MSc program (HosMic) on symbiotic relations between micro and macro-organisms, but also between microorganisms.


Learn how HosMic aims at the specialization of its graduates in topics concerning:


  1. the structure, the functioning and regulation of plant and animal microbiomes;
  2. the interactions of microbiomes with their hosts;
  3. the interactions between microorganisms (particularly the symbiotic ones);
  4. the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms governing these interactions, and the overall holobiont homeostasis;
  5. the role of abiotic factors in these interactions.


Why Us?


  • Diversity: An international environment with applicants and students from all over the world and throughout several continents.
  • Teacher Expertise: High quality teaching and mentoring in a truly international environment and by renowned experts of the field.
  • Research-focused: 2/3 of the study program is research-based, often related to the scientific tasks of undergoing national and international research projects.
  • Flexibility: We allow the flexibility to participate regardless of their physical location through the use of e-learning platforms.


Download our eBook by CLICKING HERE.


You may also email us at hosmic [at] uth.gr (hosmic[at]uth[dot]gr) or call us at +30 24210 93156. Otherwise, please visit our department’s website for additional news and material.